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Which water softener control valve is the best - Clack, Autotrol or Fleck?

by Mark Timmons November 29, 2013 33 Comments

I can't tell you how many times a day we get this question. It seems that there are lots of people that like Fleck and Autotrol water softener valves because... well that's what they have always used. It's almost like a religion to them. Then along came Clack and they designed a very good valve and now everyone is embroiled in a debate as to whether Fleck, Clack or Autotrol is the best. We have people who call in and say "I need a Fleck valve because I was told it's the best." They also say the same thing about Clack and Autotrol. For the record, all of these water softener control valves are good and I don't think you can go wrong with any of them.

The Clack and the Fleck valves use similar technology involving a single piston, which is the only moving part in the water stream, as well as spacers and seals. The Autotrol valve uses valve disc technology. The discs are opened and closed by a camshaft. All of these valves have their pros and cons, but in my mind the biggest con of the Fleck valves is the cost of replacement parts. Many dealers love Fleck valves because they make a lot of money off of servicing them, so guess who pays the price - the customer. Autotrol valves are cheaper to repair and maybe somewhat easier, but many people do not like the 6 or 7 moving discs inside the valve. The Johnny-Come-Lately is Clack who has designed a very reliable valve that is easy and inexpensive to repair. However, they have restricted sales to traditional water dealers only, and will not allow internet sales. This drives up the price considerably for the consumer.

Fleck is now coming out with new control valves (like the 5800) with which they are also restricting sales on the internet. It smacks of "price-fixing" to many people. I can understand this to a degree, because the fact of the matter is that there are many companies on the internet that are simply guys working out of their basement or garage and are happy to make $20 on a water softener because they have no intention of ever answering their phone after 5 o'clock and weekends and you may be lucky to get them from 8 to 5. They offer no tech support and have nothing to help their customers.

Let me make one thing clear: WE ARE NOT AN INTERNET COMPANY! US Water Systems is a water treatment Company with a dozen Certified Water Specialists who are there to help you with Sales, Service and Installation, 7 days a weeks from 8 AM until, 11 PM EDT! There is a big difference between us and most other internet companies who sell water treatment. However, I digress. What is the best water softener valve? Well, Clack is my second favorite control valve, Fleck is my third favorite and Autotrol is my least favorite (I'm not saying it's bad, because it isn't). That's my recommendation. What - you want to know who's Number One?


Well, that's simple - our US Water Fusion NLT (Next Level Technology) took Flecks best ideas and improved them. We then took Clack's electronics and improved them. With one internal moving part, upflow brining, proportional brining, capacitor backup and superior seal technology, it is the only water softener control on the market with a ten (10) year warranty on the valve and electronics. When you build them better, you can guarantee them better. Move over Clack and Fleck - there's a new consumer darling in water softener controls and US Water is setting the pace. Better by design, superior warranty and priced to sell. Check out the Fusion NLT and you will understand why it is truly the "Best-of-the Best".

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July 30, 2015 Mark Timmons

OK, smart guy. The floor is yours – explain what you just said and back it up with facts.

I am going to assume that you are smart enough not to make allegations you can’t back with facts.

So, the ball is in your court…

I’m waiting, supply the facts!

March 18, 2017 John Marcum

I see similarities between the “Fusion” valve and the “Genesis” valve.

Who manufactures these valves?

Thank you.

April 26, 2017 Canadian Water Warehouse

I agree with your assessment on Clack, Fleck, Autotrol rankings. That’s a pretty strong statement saying you’re #1, we might have to try your valves some time :)

September 21, 2017 James Adegoke

Confirm water supplied by government/JEA are unhealthy, and or poisonous? Water should/must have been treated from plants with assurance of safe for drinking, consumption and other general use. If now people are required to buy all or different types of machine to make thier water safe or better should be challenged and lawsuit actions should be summon on government/JEA? Please clarify?

September 25, 2017 Mark Timmons

Even though less than 1% of the water used in a city is for internal consumption, should we treat all the water as if it were to be consumed? That would be silly and SUPER expensive. Do you want a $1,000.00 a month water bill?

February 23, 2018 Laura Elliott

I just came across this article and noticed it’s four years old. My question is do you still feel the same or is there something better out there as of today…..2018?

February 24, 2018 Mark Timmons

1. I still feel exactly the same way.
2. We are ALWAYS seeking “better.”
3. If we find “better” we will sell it!

April 14, 2018 julie

do you have reps in MA?
Installers in MA?

April 28, 2018 Mark Timmons

We sell all over the world and anyone can install our products – we do not require our own installers.

May 03, 2018 andre

Hello Mark,

I am looking into getting a water softener, I have a personal friend who swears by autotrol because the parts are easy to get and easy to replace. I have another company that comes to my house to fix misc plumbing issues that wants to sell me a water softener. The cost to put it outside the house is $2800 and to relocate it is $3500 (that with sewer copper piping etc.) The company says there is no website information on the unit they sell (Green Unit) because it comes out of their commercial supply and put together there. The company that wants to sell me the green unit has a clack control. He also states to stay away from Autotrol because they break down a lot and are junk.
Thank you for your time and I would ppreciate any feedback.

June 10, 2018 David Grohman

In 2016 I purchased this: 91SXT-48-M – Water Softener Fleck Twin Demand 9100SXT Model 91SXT-48-M (Brine Tank Size: 18 × 33, Bypass Valve: 1 inch)

Within 6 months this valve stopped automatically working and switching from 1 tank to the other. When I tried to contact the company many times, I received absolutely no response from where I purchased the system. I had to manually turn the dial to activate the recharge process and switching from 1 tank to the other. Now, recently, the Fleck 91sxt valve won’t even respond to the manual operation.

Will your Fusion NLT valve work on my twin tank system??

June 10, 2018 Mark Timmons

The Fusion NLT is not a twin tank system. It will work one resin tank at a time. I am sorry that you dealt with a company who will not help you. That is what happens when you buy from a company that only sells on price. At US Water Systems, we have a State-of-the-Art technical support department complete with laboratory, R & D and Engineering. The other companies can’t touch us on support.

I would like to help you out. If you can remove your valve and ship it to us, I will have our tech support department test it and fix it. I won’t charge you any labor, just parts and shipping. The 9100 is a good valve and we can fix it for you. Spread the word about the US Water Systems difference!

August 06, 2018 John

Are the valves made of plastic or metal?? Does Fusion have installers in St Augustine FL?

August 11, 2018 Mark Timmons

Metal no longer makes sense. Our Plastic valve has a lifetime warranty.

Anyone can install our systems – we do not ned installers.

October 03, 2018 Bud

Where is the Fusion NLT made? Some installers saying that it is made in China from Canature Water Group as the valves look the same. Can you confirm that it is NOT made in China?

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