Water Softener Comparison Chart

If you are searching for a water softener you may be finding it to be a daunting task. There are so many makes and models which can make it very confusing! You may have looked at places like Sears, Lowes, or Home Depot and you should know that those systems are designed to last 2-3 years. After that, they will need to be replaced or repaired. At US Water, we keep it simple. When you compare our water softeners you can rest assured that each of our systems is "premium-grade". What we mean by that is that they are built to last 10, 15, or even 20 years. Below you will find a chart to compare water softener models. Have a look around and remember that a non-commissioned certified water specialist is just a phone call away. If you have any questions just call 1-800-608-8792. We are here to help you solve your water problems!


FlexxPro Matrixx Synergy Twin
FlexxPro Matrixx Synergy Twin
Price $ $$ $$$
Moving Parts: 1 1 2
Fills Brine Tank w/Water:
Regenerates w/Soft Water:    
24/7 Soft Water:    
Controller: Computer Computer Computer
Adjustable Regeneration Time: Fully Programmable Fully Programmable Fully Programmable
Necessary to Set Time:  
Battery Backup: Not Needed
Resin Cross-Linkage: 8% 10% 10%
Resin Tank Warranty: 10 Year Lifetime Lifetime
Brine Tank Warranty: 10 Year Lifetime Lifetime
Valve & Electric Warranty: 7 Years 10 Years 10 Years