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Free shipping on most products over $199. Freight orders excluded. Speak to a water expert for more details.
Our Master Water Specialists and Certified Water Specialists review your water analysis and address your specific water problems. WE then design a system that we'll guarantee will solve your water problem(s) and back it with our One-Year Money Back Promise (Guarantee).
It all starts with a Laboratory Test of your water. Then, our Master Water Specialists and Certified Water Specialists will review the results of your water analysis and scientifically discuss the best way to treat your water, provide on estimate of how to do that, and then we provide you a One-Year Guarantee of Satisfaction. It's our Promise to You that our system will do what we say or we will give you your money back*
Engineered to provide Distilled Quality Water for dental applications, the US Water Systems Sentry IX Dental Water Purification System provides a maximum of 20 gallons per day of ultra high purity Deionized (DI) water which is equal to or superior to distilled water...without any electricity or heat. This 9-Stage System delivers water up to 16 meg/ohm quality right from its own dispensing faucet.
Chrome faucet (quarter turn ceramic disc), tubing, fittings, valves and connectors - everything necessary to connect to your water supply. Also, includes DM-2EC Conductivity Monitor.
"Several years ago, my dentist asked me if we had a better way for them to get high purity water for their dental office. They had tried distillers, which were cumbersome and expensive to operate and clean, and were currently using bottled distilled water, which they had to haul in, store and connect. Our Sentry IX Dental Water Purification System is the result of that quest. He used it for several years and then moved it when he built a new office. Dentists across the country are amazed at the simplicity of the system, as well as the low cost and high quality. But, that's what you get when you deal direct with the manufacturer." -- The Water Doctor
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