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Our Master Water Specialists and Certified Water Specialists review your water analysis and address your specific water problems. WE then design a system that we'll guarantee will solve your water problem(s) and back it with our One-Year Money Back Promise (Guarantee).
It all starts with a Laboratory Test of your water. Then, our Master Water Specialists and Certified Water Specialists will review the results of your water analysis and scientifically discuss the best way to treat your water, provide on estimate of how to do that, and then we provide you a One-Year Guarantee of Satisfaction. It's our Promise to You that our system will do what we say or we will give you your money back*
We recommend proper prefiltration ahead of any Disruptor or Interceptor Filter ( and with proper prefiltration, we find that these filters work 85 to 90% of the time. To find out of it works for you, we offer this Pilot test. We do the pilot test with an Interceptor since it has a lower cost. The Pilot test includes a 2.5” x 10” filter with regular garden hose connectors, as well as the interceptor filter.
To do the test, you simply hook up the hose to a boiler drain (like at your washing machine). YOU NEED TO USE TREATED WATER. You will need a white bucket to complete the test. Run the water at about 1 GPM. You can judge by how fast you fill the bucket. Let the water continue running at about 1 GPM and see how long it takes to plug the filter (maybe it will not plug). Hopefully, it will take several hours to plug the filter, but this is a “baby filter” - the full-sized filters will take a whole lot longer to plug.
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