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Our Master Water Specialists and Certified Water Specialists review your water analysis and address your specific water problems. WE then design a system that we'll guarantee will solve your water problem(s) and back it with our One-Year Money Back Promise (Guarantee).
It all starts with a Laboratory Test of your water. Then, our Master Water Specialists and Certified Water Specialists will review the results of your water analysis and scientifically discuss the best way to treat your water, provide on estimate of how to do that, and then we provide you a One-Year Guarantee of Satisfaction. It's our Promise to You that our system will do what we say or we will give you your money back*
If you are in the market for a backwashing sediment filter but don’t want to break the bank, the Flexx Pro Series Backwashing Sediment Filter is simply the best solution. It meets of exceeds the features of any other Backwashing Sediment Filter and will not flatten your wallet in the process. This is not a Big Box Store “Throw-Away” Filter but is a professional grade system – at an Economy Price.
Simply put, it is a tank with a specific amount of media inside. In this case, the media is a highly specialized Hyper-Filtration Media called Filter-Ag Plus®️ or Turbidex™️. We use these two media interchangeably to remove sediment. This is frequently called “deep bed filtration” which delivers exceptional water quality and reduces the “Sediment Load” on any downstream water treatment equipment, or for that matter, any water fixtures and equipment in general.
This Hyper-Filtration Media filters down to the 3 to 5 micron range, which results in savings for things like water waste, chemical usage, filter cartridges, and membrane service. Unlike older “sand filters” which just mechanically strained sand and sediment, our Hyper-Filtration Media also uses the following methods to rid your water of sediment:
This effectively removes most sand and sediment and saves time and money in the process. In fact, Hyper-Filtration can produce crystal clear water, down to <0.1 NTU of turbidity. While the filter media doesn't last forever, it can often be used for several years before it needs to be replaced.
If you are not sure what pH neutralizing system is right for you, call 800-608-8792 and talk to one of our Certified Water Specialists and they can help you decide what is right for you.
Our smart valve system integrates directly with your smartphone via Bluetooth 5.0. Simply download the free Legacy View companion app, pair the devices, and you'll have access to a real-time dashboard and settings.
The application allows you to adjust the hardness of your water to your desired specifications and track and monitor all water usage.
Communicates with your Smartphone via Bluetooth
Simply set the time of day, time of regeneration, and backwash frequency
Fully programmable cycles
Bigger is usually better but remember, a system should be sized according to flow rate that is available for backwashing. A system must be backwashed at the specified flow rate to ensure it is flushed properly.
10 x 54 - 8 GPM
12 x 52 - 10 GPM
13 x 54 - 15 GPM
14 x 65 - 20 GPM
081-FXF-SED-150 | 8 GPM | 7 GPM | 10" X 54" | 1.5 |
081-FXF-SED-200 | 10 GPM | 10 GPM | 12" X 52" | 2.0 |
081-FXF-SED-250 | 15 GPM | 12 GPM | 13" X 54" | 2.5 |
081-FXF-SED-300 | 20 GPM | 15 GPM | 14" X 65" | 3.0 |
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