A white plastic jug with a pink label displaying Neutra 7 Acid Water Neutralizer 7 Pound Bottle by US Water Systems Inc, designed to balance acidic water.
A white plastic jug with a handle, labeled Neutra 7 Acid Water Neutralizer 7 Pound Bottle by US Water Systems Inc, features maroon and black accents.

Neutra 7 Acid Water Neutralizer 7 Pound Bottle

List Price: Factory Direct Price: SALE PRICE:
$41.59 $27.73
SKU: 710-SP47N

Prevents corrosion in water systems by neutralizing acidic or low pH water

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Subtotal: $29.99

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A white plastic jug with a pink label displaying Neutra 7 Acid Water Neutralizer 7 Pound Bottle by US Water Systems Inc, designed to balance acidic water.

Neutra 7 Acid Water Neutralizer 7 Pound Bottle

$31.19 $29.99

Neutra 7 Acid Water Neutralizer 7 Pound Bottle

$31.19 $29.99

Neutra 7 Acid Water Neutralizer 7 Pound Bottle by Pro Products | SP47N

Pro Neutra 7 is a proprietary alkaline compound which neutralizes acid water in potable systems and keeps the injection point clean of build-up. This helps eliminate corrosion from piping, pressure tanks, water heaters and fixtures. A Neutra 7 solution injected into a water system will neutralize acid water and prevent corrosion.

In common terms, Neutra 7 is Soda Ash with a small amount of polyphosphate to prevent fouling of the injectors of a chemical injection pump.


  • Acid Water Neutralization: The feed rate depends on the acidity of water. Proper dosage is reached when the pH of the treated water is between 7.0 and 8.0. Follow procedure for injecting soda ash into your water system by the chemical feed pump manufacturer or supplier.
  • Tannin Water Softener Cleaning: Mix 1 cup of Neutra 7 with 1 quart of water and pour into salt storage tank on a weekly basis.


  • Keeps injection point clean of build-up
  • Compatible with all major brands of chemical feed pumps
  • Neutralizes acid water with a pH of less than 7.0
  • Eliminates staining of plumbing
  • fixtures and clothing
  • NSF Certified to meet NSF/ANSI Standard 60 for drinking water additives

Technical Information

  • Pro Neutra 7 is a white granular powder
  • Store in a cool, dry area, away from acids and lime. When dissolving in water, add water slowly and cautiously while stirring as solution can sometimes get hot. Read relevant MSDS before handling product.
  • Do not mix with other chemicals

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