Cheers to Great Brews and Inspiring Brewers

Have you ever encountered an individual who changed your perspective of an industry so drastically that you then wanted to invest something of your own into simply being a part of it? We have. And we do. Daily.
In one simple visit to a Beer Festival you can meet a man who has invested his life savings into his dream of brewing; a couple who go from state to state to support their friends in their dreams; long life friends who had at one point promised they would pursue a crazy idea of owning something meaningful together; a chemistry student who found his passion in the perfect mix of conditions to make something incredible; and a community who stands behind and supports these folks and their stories like they have walked every step of the journey with these beautiful souls.
Welcome to the Craft Brewing Community and quite frankly, my favorite industry!
Today was a great reminder of how this industry has changed the definition of the word community. The reality of what we, as a world, are going through is very sobering, and real. However, when you read the twitter feeds, Instagram and Facebook posts from our brewing community you see a passion for shared burdens and unbelievable hope.
On a day that we will celebrate AMAZING beer, we at US Water Systems celebrate the folks who make brewing an EXTRAORDINARY INDUSTRY because of the journey they have shared with us! Cheers!!!
What craft breweries use the best water that has been tested and certified?
Tested and Certified by who?
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