Zappos: A Lesson in Business
A couple/few years ago, I bought the book "Delivering Happiness" by Tony Hsieh (pronounced Shay) who is the CEO of Zappos. I read it in one night and realized that Tony had condensed the essence of how we were trying to do business. Now, I have to say that selling shoes is a little different from selling water treatment equipment - I mean, a pair of shoes might cost a hundred bucks or so and fit in a neat little box (unless you are the giant in Jack and the Beanstalk), while a whole-house water treatment system might cost a few thousand dollars and have to be shipped by a truck on a skid. Still, the concept is the same - we deliver happiness, just like Zappos delivers happiness. The visionary CEO of Zappos explains how an emphasis on corporate culture can lead to unprecedented success. Zappos pays new employees $2,000 to quit, and they made customer service the entire company, not just a department. Outrageous! They focus on company culture as the #1 priority and apply research from the science of happiness to running a business. Wild! Finally, Zappos helps employees grow both personally and professionally and seeks to change the world. How crazy is that? Oh, and they actually make money too. Sound more than crazy? It's all standard operating procedure at, the online retailer that's doing over $1 billion in gross merchandise sales every year.
I have been a big fan of Tony Hsieh since the book and the fact of the matter is, I buy all my shoes from I would say it's all because of their fabulous customer service, but the fact of the matter is they are one of the few companies who stock my size (15 EEEE). So, there's that! Try buying 15 EEEE somewhere else... Zappos gives back to the community and are currently revitalizing downtown Las Vegas. If you want to learn more about Zappos culture, go here: I recently attended a speech by Tony in Chicago and was amazed by his insights into business, but after it is all said and done, the title of his book tells you everything you need to know - Delivering Happiness! If your business isn't delivering happiness, you need to find a new business, because mine is! We aren't perfect, but we care and we never stop trying. Thanks for the book, Tony! I think you have at least one more in you.... Buy the book HERE.
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