Save Money Through Better Water
The Truth about Tap Water   Â
Did you know that chlorine in your drinking water can increase your body's susceptibility to gallbladder and rectal cancer, skin allergies, asthma, and sinusitis? That's scary stuff! Many people believe that municipal water is clean and safe for drinking, but several studies might make you think twice. The New York Times conducted an investigation that found that American water contributes to rashes, skin burns, and eroded tooth enamel and is often found to contain arsenic, lead, barium, and other toxic chemicals. Data from the EPA revealed that over the past ten years, one in every five schools investigated violated the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Considering that the human body is 70% water by weight, it only makes sense that we should be drinking the purest water possible. When not properly filtered, water can cause disease, which leads us to search for cleaner and safer water. Although U.S. tap water is some of the cleanest on Earth, there are still dangers to be aware of. Microscopic organisms and parasites such as Cryptosporidium, which exist on the surface of water sources, can attack the body's immune system.
True Costs of WaterÂ
People are always looking for ways to save money, and surprisingly, water is a subject of many financial debates. You should never have to pay more than necessary for the most basic of items, which is why the cost of tap water itself isn't much. There are varying costs associated with water, and many people pay too much when it comes to those factors.
There are three primary methods of obtaining drinking water at home:
- Tap water
- Bottled water
- Filtered water
A reverse osmosis water filtration system offers a viable solution to the increasing costs of water without families having to sacrifice clean drinking fluids at home. Reverse osmosis is a treatment process for water that removes environmental contaminants such as dissolved minerals, bacteria, impurities, and harmful chlorine. Through this process, water is not only more pure but also has an improved taste. So how does reverse osmosis work, anyway? Just as the name says, reverse osmosis is the reverse of osmosis. Osmosis is a naturally occurring phenomenon in nature where a weaker saline solution will tend to migrate to a stronger saline solution. An example of this is when a plant root absorbs water from the soil. The weaker saline solution migrates towards the stronger saline solution through a semi-permeable membrane, which is a membrane that allows some molecules or atoms to pass through but not others.Â
Imagine a screen door as a semi-permeable membrane, which allows air to filter through but not anything larger than the holes in the screen. While osmosis occurs naturally, reverse osmosis needs pressure applied to the more saline solution that is stronger than the naturally occurring osmotic pressure to push the water through the semi-permeable membrane. This allows the water molecules to pass through but not most of the salts, bacteria, or other contaminants. To filter water using reverse osmosis, we can use line pressure in residential applications, or we can use a high-pressure pump to push the water through, filtering out all the bad and leaving you with filtered, delicious drinking water.Â
Reverse osmosis is not only used in households but in many common businesses around you, such as the food and beverage industry, manufacturing, and the pharmaceutical industry. Common household condiments are even made using reverse osmosis. For example, did you know that maple syrup is distilled using reverse osmosis? If you want to significantly reduce the amount of contaminated water you drink, investing in a reverse osmosis unit is the way to go.Â
The SavingsÂ
Reverse osmosis systems come with two primary costs. First, you have to initially install the filtration system and set it up. You will also need to replace the filters once or twice a year. Still, the costs of reverse osmosis filtration are far less than the amount of money you would spend on bottled water. Reverse osmosis will save you money in the long run, and your family will enjoy safe drinking water year-round.
While the quality and cost of your drinking water are your primary concern, you should also be worried about the damage regular tap water can create within other areas of the home. Unfiltered water that is laden with minerals can ruin pipes, and it can even cause backups in your major appliances that utilize water. Every home should be equipped with advanced filtration systems as well as a water softener. A water softener helps to reduce mineral buildup that can cause breakage in pipes and appliances. Plus, your appliances won't need to work nearly as hard when water can flow through freely. This essential water tool will save you money for years to come, and you won't have to worry about making premature repairs within your home.
Why not use bottled water?Â
On the surface, bottled water seems like an appropriate solution to drinking questionable tap water. However, there are many reasons why having a reverse osmosis system is better. For starters, bottled water accrues an ongoing expense. Paying $2 for a bottle of water while you are on the go may not seem like a huge expense, but if you buy even one a day, as well as bottled water to keep at home, you are easily spending over $100 a month.Â
Furthermore, all of that plastic winds up in landfills. Did you know that most bottled water isn't even at the same standards as reverse osmosis water? You are probably paying more for a subpar product that only goes to harm the environment. By making a one-time investment in a reverse osmosis system, you will be slashing a reoccurring expense, reducing your carbon footprint, and enjoying better quality water.
Another Side to WaterÂ
Once your home has pure, clean reverse osmosis water, you will want to test for hard water. Hard water contains minerals such as calcium and magnesium that can be devastating to the home. Although hard water won't harm people, it will harm the home's plumbing and appliances. You can pick up a hard water test kit from any hardware store. If the test confirms that hard water is present, you will want to invest in the best water softener suitable for your home. In a blog for home inspectors called Inspecting the World, the author writes that inspectors should be familiar with hard water because it can cause plumbing fixtures and pipes to clog up and fail prematurely, as well as reduce the overall efficiency of the plumbing system. It also has the potential to make household chores such as dishwashing, clothes washing, and bathing more cumbersome.
If you want to safeguard your health and the functionality of your home, start by transforming your tap water with a reverse osmosis system and a water softener. Only then can you go from drinking questionable tap water to pure, invigorating H2-Whoa!
That’s a very subjective question which also depends upon your water quality.
However, if you have hard water, nothing will fix it completely except a water softener. Nothing else can provide the benefits of a water softener, such as:
1. Elimination of spots, streaks, scale and scum on fixtures, faucets, showers, dishes, silverware, and everything water touches.
2. Saves up to 30% on hot water heating costs.
3. Provides whiter whites and brighter colors in your laundry.
4. Saves 50% or more on soaps, detergents and cleaning supplies.
5. Provides softer clearer skin and softer fluffier hair.
6. One of the only products that actually saves more than it costs.
Here is our typical softener and reverse osmosis system:
Filters cost about $34.95 a year.
Does one really need a water softener as well as reverse osmosis? ,what is the actual cost of these two, not including yearly filter replacements?
I probably need expensive dental work first (and know approximately how much to save for that)…..
So, how much should I save for reverse osmosis?
Hi Mark,
I recently purchased a whole house system from your company after watching two of your interviews on YouTube and would like to ask you a couple questions over the phone or email provided. I appreciate your time and consideration.
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