The World’s Best Iron and Sulfur Removal System Just Got More Affordable
Matrixx inFusion
It's no secret that the Matrixx inFusion iron and sulfur removal system manufactured by US Water Systems is simply the best way to remove the highest levels of iron (rust) and sulfur (hydrogen sulfide or rotten-egg odor). The rugged “professional-grade” system uses the incredible American Made Structural Tank with StackFlow (TM) Distributors and the robust Stenner Proportional Injection Panel and is backed by a ten-year warranty on the valve and the electronics.
Flexx inFusion
The thing is, the Matrixx inFusion is built so well that the cost is fairly high, making it something that not everyone could afford it. We understood that and took action. Just recently, we introduced the Matrixx inFusion's “little brother,” who also happens to be one “tough cookie.” Meet the new Flexx inFusion. It works the same way that the Matrixx inFusion works, but with some cost-saving features.
We wanted to make the Flexx inFusion more affordable and accessible to more customers with bad water, so we eliminated the American Made Structural Tank with StackFlow (TM) Distributors and the chrome cover. We also eliminated the wall-mounted injection panel and used a meter and pump combination. The Flexx inFusion has a seven-year warranty on the valve and electronics, while the Matrixx infusion has a ten-year warranty on the valve and electronics. Additionally, the Matrixx inFusion has a lifetime warranty on the tanks, while the Flexx inFusion has a 10 year warranty on the tanks.
Two Systems, One Result
So the Matrixx infusion is a product that will last 20-25 years, while the Flexx inFusion is a product that will last 10-15 years, but the results will be essentially the same: Iron and Sulfur Free water! If you want the best, longest lasting, most robust iron and sulfur removal system on the planet, then the Matrixx inFusion is the crème d la crème.
However, you are on a budget, but also have nasty problem water that stinks and stains, then the Flexx inFusion is the most economical solution. Both systems use US Water Systems Carb-Cat coconut shell catalytic carbon. US WATER SYSTEMS CARB-CAT Catalytic Carbon was engineered to be superior to Calgon Centaur and Jacobi CX-MCA Catalytic Carbon for removal of chlorine, chloramine, VOCs, THMs and Hydrogen Sulfide in Hydrogen Peroxide Systems. It is used frequently in city water for the removal of chloramine and is one tough Cat on chloramine and hydrogen sulfide!
Carb-Cat is a liquid phase virgin activated carbon that is manufactured to develop catalytic functionality. It is a produced from coconut shell GAC using a highly sophisticated and confidential process. Of course, it is NSF Certified. The catalytic activity of this activated carbon makes it highly effective for the removal of chloramines and hydrogen sulfide from potable water.
While US Water Systems has a strong preference for US Made Products, the fact of the matter is that the best premium-grade coconut shell carbon is made in Sri Lanka under very exacting standards and world-class processes. This is not from China, Taiwan or India, but rather from the World's Best Coconut Shell Carbon Manufacturer which offers the greatest absorptive capability.
Pioneering Excellence For Over 25 Years
I was one of the early pioneers into the underlying technology of the inFusion systems twenty-five (25) years ago. The underlying premise then, as well as today is the use of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as the oxidizer for the removal of iron and/or sulfur in the water. I learned early on that there are certain things that you do and certain things you avoid in the use of H2O2 for the effective iron and sulfur eradication.
Today, I still believe that H2O2 technology is simply the very best method to remove iron and hydrogen sulfide from a problem water supply. We sometimes use aeration, but that is not nearly as effective as hydrogen peroxide, aeration will generally only handle low levels. Occasionally, we use ozone, which is a wonderful oxidizer, but not usually cost-effective. Of course, there is still potassium permanganate and chlorine, but compared to H2O2, using those technologies is like asking a boy to do a man's job!
If you have high levels of sulfur, up to 30 ppm, the inFusion is simply the best solution on the market. We can handle sulfur up to 60 ppm with a dual tank and injection system. The same is true with iron. While we say it will remove up to 20 ppm of iron, we have successfully remove more than double that, but each application requires a detailed water analysis. I always say: “Measure twice, cut once!” If we know exactly what is in your water and at what levels, we can successfully treat it EVERY TIME!
Matrixx inFusion

Flexx inFusion

Both the Matrixx and the Flexx inFusion systems utilize the continuous injection of hydrogen peroxide to remove hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg odor) and iron through a process known as oxidation. In use since the 1970s, this technology is still popular because it specifically oxidizes sulfur compounds without producing toxic byproducts.

Both inFusion systems utilize our WaterLogix smartphone app to make programming and total system monitoring as simple as pushing the “set” button on your Apple or Android device. Our smart valve system integrates directly with your smart phone via Bluetooth 5.0. Simply download the free Waterlogix companion app, pair the devices, and you'll have access to a real time dashboard and settings. The application allows you to set specifications and track and monitor all water usage.

Why Hydrogen Peroxide?
In short, hydrogen peroxide is the best way to remove iron and/or sulfur from water. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most powerful oxidizers, and is stronger than chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and potassium permanganate. Only fluorine, the hydroxyl radical and ozone are better oxidizers, but all are either deadly poison or cost prohibitive.
Not only is H2O2 a powerful oxidizer, but H2O2 is a natural metabolite of many organisms, which decompose the H2O2 they produce into oxygen and water. H2O2 is also formed by the action of sunlight on water a natural purification system for our environment. Consequently, H2O2 has none of the problems of gaseous release or chemical residues that are associated with other chemical oxidants. And since H2O2 is totally miscible with water, it reverts to hydrogen and oxygen after the reaction is complete.
Hydrogen peroxide is lethal to iron, sulfur and manganese. Complete elimination of iron and sulfur, regardless of the levels, without the use of dangerous chemicals is the paramount reason to use H2O2. It will eliminate iron and sulfur and the rotten-egg odor, even if the water contains iron and sulfur-reducing bacteria. It also has a relatively low cost, using only 20 to 40 gallons of hydrogen peroxide a year for a family of four.
I guess that is the only downside to the inFusion system: You have an annual H2O2 bill of typically $300 to $400 dollars a year… but most of our customers think that is a small price to pay for the best water this side of heaven!
Does a peroxide system replace a water softner or would we still use it too? Many thankz
A peroxide system does not remove hardness, so if the water is hard and you want to soften it, you would have to also use a water softener.
Currently have a chlorination system maintaining 2ppm chlorine then goes through double carbon filters. The water still has a light sulfur smell. It causes skin irritations and stings wounds. Was contemplating adding an acid injection to lower the ph or switching to hydrogen peroxide
There are a few things to consider: 1. What is your level of hydrogen sulfide in your raw water? 2. Are there any “competing” contaminants, like iron, manganese, or bacteria? 3. What are your pH, hardness, and alkalinity? 4. Sulfur has to be oxidized to remove it. 5. Chlorine is a poor oxidizer. 6. Hydrogen peroxide is ten times a better oxidizer. I would never use chlorine to remove sulfur. 7. Do you have a good water test? If not, start with this: I would also suggest the sulfur dioxide test tube and the BART Sulfur Reducing Test. Measure twice – Cut Once!
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